Awesome things coming SOON!

Millions of women are not living the life they could be living. 

  • Maybe they’re stuck in a relationship that’s going nowhere fast… 
  • Or they’re hanging on to a job they don’t love…
  • Or they’re content with their love life and career, but they feel like something’s missing. 

Fear, limiting beliefs, old wounds, misplaced feelings - so many things can hold you back from living the life you’re meant for. 

I’m Jill Sherer Murray, and I help women let go of what’s keeping them stuck. 

My six-step process for letting go helps you understand what you need, define what you want, and let go of the things that don’t serve you. 

If you don’t let go of what’s keeping you stuck, you may find yourself at the exact same place in life five or ten years from now - or on your deathbed.

Life has bigger things in store for you - so let me help you let go of what's holding you back, so you can truly become unstoppable.

If not now, when?

Available Products

Big Wild Love Workshop

7 steps to find the Big Wild Love you deserve - with videos, exercises, journaling prompts and food for thought. Prepare to let go - and become unstoppable. 

25 LETGOABLES to become unstoppable

Everyone has things they need to let go of. These are things that are holding you back - from greatness, success, from the life you're meant to be living.

In this free printable PDF,  you'll find the list of most common "letgoables" - and tips on how to let go effectively, so you can become unstoppable.

Big Wild Love Workbook

Exercises and journaling prompts to help you discover what you most want - and find your own Big Wild Love!

6 Step Process to Letting Go

You know it's time for you to let go - but how?

This workbook is your personal 6 step process for letting go of whatever and whoever is not getting you where you want to go.

Keeper or Dud - Decision Tree for Relationships

Find clarity around your current relationship situation with this custom "decision tree".

Whatever decision you need to make, this tool will help you choose your next move!  

Decision Tree

Find simplicity in making the decision in your life with whether you should let go or hold on with this custom ‘’decision tree’’.

This tool will help you choose you next move no matter what decision you need to make!

11 Minute Makeover

Eleven minutes is all you need to decide whether to let go and change your life for good!

Do you have Romanticitis Disconnecteditis?

Does it always feel like your looking for love? You say you want one thing, and keep choosing something else? Only to find yourself heartbroken and alone…over and over and over. You might have Romantictis Disconnectededitis. Let’s see where you stand, take the quiz!

48-Hour Relationship Detox

Are you in a relationship that's just not working?

Put yourself on this two-day detox to not only find answers, but cultivate the self-love you need to act with boldness. And make the decision on whether you need to let go for the love you want with both another person and yourself!

Letting Go in Times of Pandemic

Stuck in your own pandemic hell? 

This workbook uses my 6-step process for letting go to help you get back to the business of living.

How's your Sense of Self-Love?

What is Big Wild Love, besides super fun to say? It’s self-love with intention. The deliberate pursuit of taking care that will allow you to see yourself for perhaps the very first time.

A process that has you understand the hard-wired set of beliefs at the core of who you are, and how they may be defining and derailing you in love--and frankly, anywhere else in your life you may be struggling--making it hard for you to let go of what you don’t want, to create space for what you do.

Find out where you’re at when it comes to Big Wild Love.

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